About Marijuana Addiction

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By JeffreyThurber

Cannabis, sativa, or more commonly known as marijuana, has been identified by the United Nations as the most widely used illegal substance worldwide. It has been banned in many countries however in other places, such as the United States of America, marijuana extract is used as a prescription drug. It is considered to be effective especially in relieving pain and in sedation. Aside from its analgesic and sedative effects, other medical uses of marijuana also include antispasmodic, anti-emetic, memory enhancer as well as to increase appetite. This has made marijuana effective especially as supportive care for cancer patients under chemotherapy. Weed, pot, mary jane, grass, mj, skunk, white widow and five fingers are only a few of the many names used for marijuana.

Over the years, people argue with regards to the fact whether marijuana is addictive or not. Many claim that the use of this drug is not addictive at all. Users say that they are simply using the drug as a pastime, or simply as a way to socialize. Despite the claims of many marijuana users that it is not addictive, a majority of the population believe that marijuana is indeed very addictive and destructive. The withdrawal symptoms itself prove that marijuana has addictive components that the body reacts with when suddenly stopped or not taken. Many marijuana users begin by smoking marijuana only to try and experience it once until they realize that they can no longer function and continue with their daily activities without using marijuana.

Smoking, eating and drinking are methods used in using marijuana. Smoking marijuana produces instant effects. The flowers instead of the leaves are used for smoking marijuana. Marijuana can be eaten as well. Cookies, brownies, candies are example of common food products prepared with marijuana. Tea, tincture and compress are also other methods of using marijuana. Scientific research indicates that marijuana can cause many serious health problems. Among its many negative effects include distorted perception, cognitive learning disabilities, impaired memory, tachycardia or increased heart rate and a decrease in blood pressure. In high doses of marijuana, hallucinations and delusions are evident.can affect the physical, mental, emotional and psychosocial health of an individual. Therefore, it is important to consider quitting this unhealthy habit. Although a majority of its users admit that it is difficult to stop once you have been addicted to this drug, it is still possible to stop the habit by yourself. The most difficult part in quitting marijuana is not knowing where you will begin. One of the most helpful tips in stopping the use of marijuana is to set an exact date and strictly adhere to it. This will allow you some time to prepare and adjust. Knowing why you are addicted and the consequences that come with it is very important. It will help you become determined with your decision.

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It is essential to understand first why you are addicted with the drug in order for you to entertain thoughts about putting a stop with your addiction. The materials and stock you have in hand with regards to the use of marijuana must be disposed immediately. This is very beneficial in stopping the bad habit of smoking marijuana. If feelings of not being able to cope with the withdrawal symptoms associated with the use of this substance are present and difficult to deal with, you may consider seeking medical help. There are several associations and organizations that are willing to help people who are determined to change and stop the habit.